Michael Hill’s “According To Jack Kirby” : Cutting Through The Fog Of Lies With A Scalpel

I’ll be the first to admit that a historical corrective in regards to one of mainstream comics’ longest-simmering controversies is hardly what regular readers of this small press-oriented blog come here on any given day (or night) expecting to find — but give it up for author Michael Hill, who’s proven with his new (though long in the making) surgically-detailed work, According To Jack Kirby, that he’s as independent as it gets, foregoing the arduous process of shopping his labor of love around to publishers in favor of self-publishing via the auspices of Lulu’s print-on-demand platform. And I’ve gotta say it’s a wise choice because this is, by its nature, an uncompromising piece of scholarship.

If Abraham Riesman poked a million tiny holes in the big lie that was Stan Lee’s fraudulent claim of being the Marvel Universe’s “creator” in the pages of his much-ballyhooed True Believer : The Rise And Fall Of Stan Lee, Hill lets the (undoubtedly hot) air out of them and sinks the inflatable Titanic — the damn thing is, though, he’s really just letting the historical record speak for itself. It’s neither his fault nor to his credit that the facts are Lee’s greatest enemy, he’s just taken it upon himself to assemble what amounts, by default, to an air-tight prosecutorial presentation. And as a Minneapolis resident, air-tight prosecutions are something I’ve had a front-row seat to of late, so I know one when I see one.

Is there an implicit bias on the part of the author that’s apparent from the outset here? Well, the book is subtitled Insights Drawn From Interviews Of Comics’ Greatest Creator, so no one need wonder whether or not Hill is a dyed-in-the-wool Kirby admirer, but as those of us who have followed the Kirby/Lee drama over the years can tell you — and as Hill catalogues in one blood-pressure-spiking incident after another — some of the sharpest daggers laid into the backs of Kirby, his family, and his legacy have been wielded by those claiming to be “Jack’s biggest fan.” I’d be tempted to say that their words are coming back to haunt them in this work, but that pre-supposes a level of conscience that many of these folks simply and clearly don’t have — for those of us who do, however, one of the more depressing realizations that Hill’s meticulous chronology makes apparent is how few actual defenders and advocates Kirby had all along. Read it and weep, as they say.

And yet righteous indignation — warranted as it is — really is nowhere to be found herein. Hill’s own writing is no more dispassionate or “neutral” than that of Gary Groth in his (in?)famous interview with Kirby for The Comics Journal (or, to flip the coin, Nat Freedland’s atrociously hagiographic “puff piece” on Lee that ran in the New York Herald Tribune and went some way toward alienating Lee not only from Kirby, but from Spider-Man creator Steve Ditko, as well), true, but if you’re searching for vitriol, you’ll be looking for a needle in a very deep and thick haystack. Hill knows that to indulge in such would only leave himself open to even more criticism from the “Lee Legion” than he’s bound to get anyway, and distract from the forensics that are the backbone of his thesis.

Ah ,yes — forensics. That may seem a curious word to use here at first glance, but I assure you it absolutely applies, for it’s not just on-the-record statements that buttress Kirby’s claim to being the creative driving force behind Marvel — hard physical evidence exists that bears it out. The same, however, can’t be said for his former “collaborator,” who — as Hill demonstrates — appears to have even gone so far as to have at least one phony “synopsis” woven from whole cloth (likely, in the best Lee tradition, by somebody other than himself) in order to shore up his own always-shaky grip on auteurship. In fact, so transparently bogus is the edifice of Lee’s entire shtick that by the time one makes it through to the end of this volume, you’re not sure which is the greater mystery — that he got away with it for as long as he did, or that he ever got away with it in the first place.

The one thing Hill does that Lee never could, though, is “show the receipts.” There are literally decades of them. And we should all be grateful indeed that someone has finally taken the time to sift through them all and set the record straight by means of the record itself. The King has posthumously found the champion he always needed and deserved with Michael Hill — but, even more importantly, so has the truth itself.


According To Jack Kirby is available for $19.99 from Lulu’s website at https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/michael-hill/according-to-jack-kirby/paperback/product-v7dnyy.html?fbclid=IwAR304AV-FZtCnkykeGjYFy0MctX2J6HLHdbioatejx_0zfh_xj7Y65QiOjM&page=1&pageSize=4

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29 thoughts on “Michael Hill’s “According To Jack Kirby” : Cutting Through The Fog Of Lies With A Scalpel

  1. Roy W. Thomas

    I look forward to getting this book, as I do most books about comics and Marvel. However, I know too much about the inner working of Marvel, about Stan Lee, even about Jack Kirby, to be overly influenced at this stage. Jack Kirby was probably more ‘creative’ than Stan Lee… but that doesn’t mean Stan was less important as the force behind Marvel Comics, and if you think differently, I’ve got a broken rainbow bridge I’d like to sell you. By the way, your judgment that the truly terrible HERALD TRIBUNE piece might have hurt Steve’s relationship with Stan is off. Certainly Stan’s remarks about Steve there were likely to offend… and I was surprised that he made them… but by the time Steve could’ve seen the piece (Jan. 1966) he had long since quit.

    Roy Thomas

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Paul Richardson

        Ryan C., suggest you reread. Roy Thomas did not state that Lee’s remarks caused Ditko to quit. Rather that Ditko HAD quit by the time the piece saw print, and “your judgment that the truly terrible HERALD TRIBUNE piece might have hurt Steve’s relationship with Stan is off.”

        And here’s the comment to which Roy is referring:

        “… (or, to flip the coin, Nat Freedland’s atrociously hagiographic “puff piece” on Lee that ran in the New York Herald Tribune and went some way toward alienating Lee not only from Kirby, but from Spider-Man creator Steve Ditko, as well)…”

        Nothing in either your initial comment or Thomas’ response about causing Ditko to quit. Rather, Thomas is equating “alienating” Lee from Ditko with “hurt Steve’s relationship with Stan.”

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ryan C. (fourcolorapocalypse)

        Not sure where the sudden interest in a review that’s a couple of years old is coming from, but it’s interesting to note how many people have been reading this piece recently.


    1. William Byron

      No one is saying that Stan wasn’t crucial or important to Marvel’s success. Stan was necessary for the Marvel we know today. Somehow, people think anyone fighting for Kirby means they automatically are dismissing Stan’s contributions. THIS IS NOT THE POINT. It’s to say, who created this- who was the catalyst for this? Facts and documents will always work against The Marvel Myth. Why, it’s like saying that old interviews from The Comics Journal in 1980 could contradict Roy Thomas. Imagine. Also, Roy Thomas’s omnipresent “Manager” isn’t helping him by claiming Marvel was built on the Lee/Thomas partnership. By saying that, I ALSO am not trying to diminish Roy’s contributions. It’s about a system which took away from the artist and has, for decades, disparaged Kirby who gets begrudging and backhanded credit, if at all.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ryan C. (fourcolorapocalypse)

        Yeah, I’m as far from focused on the “who did what at Marvel” disputes as one can be — and ditto for the comics mainstream in general, it’s just not where my interests lie — but even I can’t help but notice that Lee’s defenders and partisans don’t focus on what Michael does in his book, which is to say determining who deserves credit as CREATOR, specifically, as accurately as he possibly can, based on what’s a matter of public record. I’m not saying Lee’s dialogue and persona and what have you didn’t play a part in making Marvel what it is, I’m saying it’s important to determine who the CREATORS of the characters were and who WROTE the stories. The so-called “Marvel Method” appears to have VASTLY over-credited the writers and to have given short shrift to the artists. And honestly, I think the fact that these controversies persist can largely be laid at Lee’s feet — instead of being clear about what he did, and the division of labor in the so-called “Bullpen,” he spent decades happily promoting himself as the “creator” of the Marvel Universe, and the historical record offers plenty of evidence that contradicts his claims.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Daniel Greenberg

    “I look forward to getting this book…”
    Translation: I will never read this book.

    “I know too much… to be overly influenced”
    Translation: Facts will never change my well-compensated beliefs.

    “Jack Kirby was probably more ‘creative’ than Stan Lee…”
    Translation: I hope my scare quotes can diminish the tremendous power of “creativity” in the mind of the reader so that hucksterism can appear to be of equivalent worth.

    “…that doesn’t mean Stan was less important as the force behind Marvel Comics”
    Translation: Just not important as any kind of “creative” force

    “I’ve got a broken rainbow bridge I’d like to sell you.”
    Translation: A bridge that would never have reached Marvel if not for Jack Kirby.

    “By the way, your judgment that the truly terrible HERALD TRIBUNE piece might have hurt Steve’s relationship with Stan is off.”
    Translation: Because once a person quits a job, that’s as hurt as a relationship can be. It can’t possibly be hurt EVEN MORE by hideously offensive comments from their former boss.

    tldr: Comics will break your heart, kid.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ryan C. (fourcolorapocalypse)

      Thank you for your expert deconstruction of Houseroy’s word salad, about the only thing I can say for his comment is that it was more creative than most of his risible scripts.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Paul Richardson

      Daniel, you really need to do something about that hard-on you have against Roy Thomas. You jealous of his writing or what? Too many snarky comments when Thomas has addressed the issues. And even though you’re another hater of Lee, Thomas is not your enemy, that’s only in your mind. And stop railing against the dead man, especially when your idol as well is dead.

      “Translation: A bridge that would never have reached Marvel if not for Jack Kirby.” Maybe you should also add IF JACK SCHIFF HAD NOT “FIRED” AND BLACKBALLED JACK KIRBY. Which “forced” Kirby to go to Marvel, where Stan Lee saved him and gave him work. Funny, how Schiff screwed-over Kirby, yet I rarely hear you anti-Lee people rail against Schiff. Why is that?


    1. Ryan C. (fourcolorapocalypse)

      For sure. The guy doesn’t change, he just gets older. For another fun representation of Houseroy, check out ted McKeever’s “Pencil Head,” where he’s got a character named Toy Rhomas that seems pretty spot-on to me.


  3. Mark Marderosian

    Halfway through the book now – It deserves all the accolades it’s received.
    I never fully realized how much the “Marvel method” was just a scam to cover a lack of talent and to skim money for writing while others did the actual work. I think it’s telling that at least two other artists besides Mr. Kirby speak of sitting across from Lee in a story meeting and the man just… stares at them until THEY came up with a plot.
    I couldn’t stand the Marvel method even at the tender age of thirteen, the dialogue often didn’t jive with the drama in the artwork. I remember an Avengers issue where the writer has Iron man needlessly musing to his teammates that wouldn’t it be wild if the bad guys were having a meeting right at this moment too. And then a clumsy word balloon says something to the effect, “Hey, Armored one, they are!” Instead of drama, we got clunky transitions and fluff dialogue. I began winding down my purchasing soon after.


    1. Ryan C. (fourcolorapocalypse)

      Well stated. Originally, it was just a way for Lee to steal credit for work he didn’t do, but as that Marvel IP became valuable, the implications were even broader — suddenly, a guy who stole credit for “writing” when all he did was fill in word balloons that were frequently ready to go before he even saw the pages could steal credit for “creating” characters he couldn’t even recognize when looking at pictures of. The Marvel Method was great — for grifters.


      1. Mark Marderosian

        I just finished the book and at the risk of overstaying my welcome, I write the following more from being very flabbergasted at myself for not realizing some plain OBVIOUS facts that Michael Hill brings out in this excellent book.
        – The Fantastic Four is clearly a continuation and reworking of The Challengers of the Unknown, another Jack Kirby creative IP. Nothing, absolutely nothing, in the previous 19 years indicated Lee, who’d spent his time writing humorous Millie the Model stories would suddenly come up with a fantasy story about a team of super-powered individuals not getting along. And in depositions, Lee could not fully enunciate exactly WHAT made the book different, whereas Mr. Kirby could describe the characters’ personal motivations as if he was, you know, the person responsible for creating them.
        – Also, as Mr. Hill points out, what did Lee produce of note before Mr. Kirby returned in 1958? What did original properties did he produce after Jack left in 1970? Jack went on to produce properties used in Warner Brothers’ Justice League movie last year and influenced a space opera released in 1977 for starters.
        The record of physical evidence speaks for itself. Also, just as a disgusted side note, even as a youngster, that editorial column in the early letter pages slamming Wally Wood’s Daredevil writing struck me as strange… and petty.


      2. Ryan C. (fourcolorapocalypse)

        For my money, nothing proves who was creator of these characters more than what they did afterwards — Ditko created The Question, Mr. A, Shade, Hawk & Dove, etc. Kirby re-vamped the entire DC universe, really, with his Fourth World, Demon, OMAC, etc. concepts . Lee “created” The Rhino and The Kingpin with Romita, no other characters of note, and you can probably bet Romita came up with them himself.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Not only was “The Marvel Method” a scam to steal money from Kirby and others, in its original form…

      …once ROY THOMAS and others began actually writing, the 2nd version of “The Marvel Method” — writer does plot, artist supplies most of the story, writer (or 3rd party) does the dialogue– was maintained and enforced as a way of making it seem S*** L** had always been doing it that was in the 60s.

      Don McGregor was “held in contempt by editorial” (HIS words) because he was bucking the system. McGregor NEVER worked “Marvel Method”. His was more “Harvey Kurtzman” style– FULL SCRIPT with page breakdowns. Rich Buckler once got deeply offended when I said this, despite my getting it FROM Don himself. Go figure. (Annoyingly, whoever Don has running his FB page BLOCKED me, so of late I have no way to contact one of my favorite writers. One more “crime” we can put down to S*** L** and his army of brainwashed delusional fanatics.)


  4. Does anyone know what happened to Dimepiece LA celebrity streetwear brand? I am having trouble to check out on Dimepiecela site. I have read in The Sun that they were bought out by a UK hedge fund for $50m. I have just bought the Dimepiece Do You Faux Suede Square Pillow from Amazon and absolutely love it xox


  5. Paul Richardson

    Ryan C., much too much “anti-Lee” IMO. “Ditko created The Question, Mr. A, Shade, Hawk & Dove, etc.”?! Even with his cool Blue Beetle reworking, and the good start to Creeper, those are NOT successful concepts. Otherwise they would have had good runs initially and would be published now. Same for Kirby’s “Fourth World” books, of which I believe the limited concept of Mister Miracle lasted the longest. Sure, DC brings them back every now and then, to protect Trademark. But those are not bona fide successes. I suppose they could be someday, as anything is possible. But the fact is they are not now, and have not been for over 50 years.

    You and others also make huge assumptions that Kirby created essentially everything. Mark Marderosian makes the simplistic guess that “The Fantastic Four is clearly a continuation and reworking of The Challengers of the Unknown, another Jack Kirby creative IP.” None of us were there, but I’d venture that FF began as the prototypical 4/5 character book because that was just what was done back then (by Kirby and others), and Marvel hadn’t reworked its GA characters yet, as DC had done with the Justice League members. FF is CLEARLY in answer to DC’s JLA (and forget the golf course story, that didn’t have to have occurred). But they indeed used a “four member” aspect, which Kirby worked well with. But FF is Plastic Man, Invisible Scarlet O’Neil, a Kirby “monster,” and a reworking of Human Torch. No way Kirby suggested or wanted Human Torch — that’s a Goodman and/or Lee request, because of IP rights. Kirby had never even worked on that character. Would YOU want the credit of ripping off Plastic Man and Invisible Scarlet O’Neil?? Seriously. That could be Kirby and/or Lee with the blatant rip-offs. Thing is the most original character there, a Kirby “Marvel monster,” so that’s probably his idea. Bottom line, it’s not as simple as some of you seem to think, and there is also lack of proof for your “all Kirby” positions.

    “Houseroy” was an idea lacking in taste by Kirby, considering Thomas did nothing to Kirby — at least nothing like you blame Lee for. Thomas has kept his head above the fray, and has attempted to look at things historically, which many of you do not do. And I will remind you: Roy Thomas was there, and you were not. One could easily make immature references to Kirby. How about “Simpleton Jack,” the guy who had a contract agreement with another Jack, Schiff, and to whom Kirby LOST a court case? Did Kirby not know contracts? Schiff apparently did. And I’ll further point out here how Stan Lee SAVED Kirby’s bacon, when Schiff wouldn’t give Kirby further assignments after the Sky Masters contract fiasco, and also blackballed Kirby with the other DC editors. Lee gave Kirby work when he had nothing. And if that wasn’t a big deal, then why didn’t Kirby just go elsewhere?

    The anti-Lee folks also like to claim that Kirby created almost all the early Marvel universe by himself, and that Goodman or Lee “stole” his creations. Ignoring the fact that any creations by Kirby were likely work-made-for-hire, are those Kirby backers thus saying that “Simpleton Jack” gave away his “sole creations” WITHOUT GETTING ANYTHING IN WRITING that Kirby himself created those and was due some future remuneration by Goodman/Marvel? Seriously? Kirby was once a publisher himself, y’know, so are you saying he was really that stupid? And don’t forget it was Goodman who was the owner/publisher, not Lee.

    It’s just not as simple as you make it out to be, especially without proof. And there is no proof, and Kirby was fine with Marvel until he decided to go to DC.


    1. Dave Henderson

      Paul, putting aside all others comments that I will debate seriously and happily with you, can we put to aside and put to rest the “you weren’t there” trope. No, I wasn’t in Manhattan in 1961 in the Marvel offices. Most people weren’t, including Roy Thomas. That phrase is used time and again to dismiss debate but I would submit it also then applies to the person saying it. So, from now on, no one who wasn’t in Roswell in 1947 is not allowed to discuss it. No one can write history books about the Civil War since they weren’t there.
      It’s not possible to have a difference of opinion and debate if the “you weren’t there” phrase is used.


    2. William Byron

      “Thomas did nothing to Kirby”- no, not like adding “Little” Jack Kirby, sitting in his derby in a story for Not Brand Ecch, and then adding to the story in the background, “come back! all is forgiven- Carmine” in the same story. Which may sound minor but one could see how it might irk or rub Kirby the wrong way for this obtuse fan-turned-pro to come in and make such assumptions that he could talk about Kirby’s private business.

      Thomas is a pompous fan-fic writer who is currently re-writing history to take his place as the new Stan at conventions, claiming to be the “real creator” of Storm and Wolverine and so forth, egged on by his omnipresent ‘manager’ who, per people who work with Roy, grates on everyone and is only barely tolerated. Thomas has been dismissive towards Kirby for decades, with snide remarks like “there ain’t no panthers in Africa!” (which at once proves Kirby WAS the one who created and named the character, otherwise what provokes Thomas’s s**tty remark? as well as the fact that Thomas didn’t know Kirby wasn’t referring to LITERAL panthers) and so forth. Why Stan apologists go to this much trouble is incredible. If he’s what you need to preserve that he is, why comment at all??


      1. Paul Richardson

        William Byron, Thomas only did something to Kirby in the narrow minds of Kirby fanatics who are looking for someone else to blame for supposed wrongs to Kirby. Jeez, give it a friggin’ break.

        The “Little Jack Kirby” thing is NOTHING. In Not Brand Echh pretty much every Marvel creator was satirized, even Lee. That little “note” thing is also nothing, except in your mind of course — and probably was addressing the fact that Kirby worked at DC before Marvel, and that DC regretted (at least by then) that he had gone to Marvel. (BTW, don’t be ignorant, Carmine and Jack were FRIENDS. Who do you think recruited Kirby to come to DC?) I notice you’re ANOTHER one who doesn’t mention Schiff. You attack Lee (and I can understand the original “credit” thing there) and Thomas (for what is imagined and nothing) — but Schiff gets a free ride for “firing” and blackballing Kirby?! Schiff was an a**hole, but also he was the smart one, because Kirby evidently didn’t know contracts. At least according to a New York judge.

        (1) Black panthers in Africa are extremely rare, and (2) is there anyone out there who really doesn’t think that Kirby created and named the Black Panther? What’s your goofy point there? But it looks like Lee named the Silver Surfer AFTER Kirby created him. You guys will be crying over Jack Kirby being “treated unfairly” until you are in your graves. Meanwhile, the Kirby heirs will be enjoying the nice settlement money they got from Marvel/Disney.

        “obtuse fan-turned-pro”?! “pompous fan-fic writer”?! “grates on everyone and is only barely tolerated”?! Hatred is a bad thing. Or is it jealousy? Try to get over it and spend your time on something positive.


      2. William Byron


        With respect, I’m a bit taken aback with your manic enthusiasm for why I didn’t bring up Jack Schiff. As it turns out, I have a very logical answer: I was responding to a specific comment that didn’t mention Schiff, simple as that.

        Lots of personal stuff to absorb, gosh. Goofy points, hater, I’m jealous apparently- you do seem like an impassioned conversationalist, so I’d enjoy continuing this discussion in person if you’d ever like to meet up at a convention or something.



    3. Mark Marderosian

      The “you weren’t there” phrase is useless. I doubt any of us were there in 1959 and I know for sure Roy Thomas wasn’t. History based on facts cannot be written if the ‘you weren’t there” phrase is trotted out.
      Secondly, those Fourth World books you site as not successful concepts: If being adapted decades later into cartoon shows like “Justice League Unlimited;” the characters being used in major live action movies by Zack Snyder; totally influencing a 1977 space opera movie; and being part of a toy line with figures, then I guess our definitions of success are different. The fact that these characters are still here is amazing. Betty Boop hasn’t been on TV/movies for years yet her merchandise still sells well which proves cultural impact is not restricted to one place. The LAST medium I would use to define “success” is comic book sales, especially from a time period of fifty years ago when distribution was spotty, erratic and prone to corruption.


  6. William Byron

    Also Paul, I apologize for an error- Roy’s condescending remark was “ain’t no tigers in Africa” when Kirby introduced the Coal Tiger prototype.

    This shows Roy is completely oblivious towards global events. The National Geographic/World Atlas reader Kirby based Coal Tiger on Patrice Lumumba and the Katangan Tigers.

    As Stan and Roy The Boy didn’t generate original concepts, they couldn’t have known it. Roy assumed it was based on the actual animal. Hope this clears it up.

    Also, for Paul’s benefit: Jack Schiff was the worst. Okay, hope you feel better.


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